The #StopRape campaign remains top of mind as we continue to be bombarded with horrific stories of women and children being raped and abused daily.
Has the awareness over recent weeks made any difference? I think it has, to some extent.
South Africans have been thinking and talking about this societal scourge. It has also resulted in the government taking action.
Lead SA and the Department of Basic Education launched the #StopRape campaign in schools
this month.
Pupils and teachers were asked to adopt a pledge. This has raised awareness among our youth, who are often targets.
Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) which assist rape victims are cash-strapped. Many struggle to survive
with limited resources and the end result is that victims suffer. The government must urgently allocate financial resources to credible NGOs.
Experts say substance abuse contributes significantly to incidents of rape. President Jacob Zuma confirmed this when he launched the #StopRape campaign in Cape Town.
This means we have to plough efforts into fighting substance abuse in our communities. To point fingers at the government alone for the rape and drug scourge is unfair. We, as citizens, all need to take responsibility.
Drug dealers continue to target the vulnerable. We must stand up and do something. We need
partnerships at all levels.
Communities must unite and become involved in this fight. Law enforcement agencies need to tackle this problem with renewed vigour and social services have an important role to play.
Effective programmes must be rolled out.
I addressed the community of Bedfordview last week together with Gauteng Community Safety MEC Faith Mazibuko and provincial police commissioner Mzwandile Petros.
It was heartening to see such a large turnout.
The drug problem topped the agenda. Petros reiterated that criminals did not
They targeted rich and poor, young and old. He said no area was immune to drug dealers.
We have to tackle the issue of abuse and rape on all fronts.
Lead SA is planning to launch “Drug Watch” in Gauteng in June. A three-month pilot project in the Western Cape with the police, metro and provincial authorities and community policing forums (CPF) yielded major
Millions of rands worth of drugs were seized and 15 552 arrests were recorded. Let’s hope these arrests turn into convictions. We can all do something within our own sphere of influence.
It starts with you, whether at home, at the office, in the factory in your community or in your city. Together,
we can make a difference.
We have an opportunity now to drive our efforts through to the finish line. Let’s do it for ourselves and for our fellow citizens.
why are you guys not going to the heart of the problem or is someone getting paid to avoid it??? that said i mean the foreiners who distribute the drugs and pimp our south africans and kill our people. i believe people high up are being paid to avoid these kind of people. why not go to the heart of the problem? it not difficult to find just drive through arcadia and sunnyside at night no one is hiding bosso. i think first tackle bribery and corruption and from there once that is sorted cops wont take bribes to turn blind eyes.
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